The Spirit of this Agreement
World Bible School (WBS) courses teach important Christian doctrines. Simple integrity requires people who claim to teach and represent WBS should hold beliefs consistent with the WBS courses.
Therefore, WBS Follow-up Coordinators and Follow-up Partners agree to live by and teach by the following statement:
As a WBS Follow-up Coordinator or Follow-up Partner, I agree I am a member, in good standing, of the Lord’s church. Christ added me to God’s family when I trusted His Gospel, repented of my sins and, as a believer, received immersion for the removal of my sins.
Follow-up Defined
For purposes of this Follow-up Agreement, World Bible School (WBS) defines follow-up as the voluntary (unpaid) act of contacting and assisting WBS students who request face-to-face personal Bible study or who desire to be baptized. It is a tremendous responsibility and an honor to perform these tasks, and WBS thanks you for considering taking on this role.
Follow-Up Coordinator Responsibilities
Follow-up Coordinators agree to do the following:
- Monitor their email and the WBS website ( regularly for notifications of follow-up requests in the geographic areas they have agreed to cover.
- Promptly take follow-up requests they can handle themselves, or they can assign to a Follow-up Partner who is near the student and will handle the request.
- Communicate initial status updates on the WBS website to Study Helpers within a week of adopting the request and communicate new updates on the WBS website as they occur. (Keeping Study Helpers updated helps them know how to pray for their student and for you and encourages them to keep teaching.)
- Provide reports to the WBS website with enough detail so the student’s Study Helper can see the student is being given the appropriate level of attention.
- Refer students only to members of the Lord’s church.
- Notify WBS of changes in their own status, to include a change in location, contact information or in their ability to perform Follow-up Coordinator tasks.
- Never request financial assistance or physical resources from WBS students or Study Helpers.
Follow-up Partner Responsibilities
Follow-up Partners agree to do the following:
- Monitor their email and the WBS website ( regularly for notifications from a Follow-up Coordinator of follow-up requests near them.
- Promptly accept follow-up requests they can handle, or they can forward promptly to known, trusted Christians who are near the student and will handle the request. If the request cannot be fulfilled promptly, the Follow-up Partner has the option to reject the request.
- Communicate status updates on the WBS website. If unable to update status personally, contact Follow-up Coordinator and let them know the status of the follow-up request.
- Provide reports to the WBS website or the Follow-up Coordinator with enough detail so the student’s Study Helper can see the student is being given the appropriate level of attention.
- Refer students only to members of the Lord’s church.
- Notify WBS of changes in their own status, to include a change in location, contact information or in their ability to perform Follow-up Partner tasks.
- Never request financial assistance or physical resources from WBS students or Study Helpers.
Follow-Up Coordinator or Follow-up Partner Disqualification
In rare cases, WBS may find it necessary to disqualify a Follow-up Coordinator or Follow-up Partner. Disqualification should not be seen as a judgment on a person’s relationship with Christ, but as a way for WBS to maintain its integrity and remain accountable to its leaders and supporters. Disqualification may occur for any of the following reasons:
- Failing to follow Christ faithfully or to practice the great truths taught in the Bible.
- Promoting doctrines or teachings not in agreement with the Bible or the WBS curriculum.
- Failing to adhere to Follow-up Coordinator or Follow-up Partner Responsibilities listed above, such as asking WBS, students or Study Helpers for financial assistance.
- Acting immorally, belligerently or rudely towards students, Study Helpers, or WBS staff.
- Communicating with students outside WBS channels in order to avoid WBS review.
Prohibited Follow-up Activities
World Bible School defines “prohibited follow-up” as any process directing a student to any resource outside of the World Bible School website(s) or correspondence programs.
This can include, but is not limited to the following:
- Sending students to websites not authorized by World Bible School
- Collecting student contact information for the purpose of disseminating information not in the World Bible School curriculum without written permission from World Bible School
- Using curriculum not authorized in writing by World Bible School
- Referring students to any persons or organizations without the direction of World Bible School
WBS reserves the right to interpret these standards on a case-by-case basis. By agreeing to do Follow-up with World Bible School, you are submitting to the sometimes subjective, always human interpretation of these standards.
Privacy and Review
WBS can review any communication between Follow-up Coordinators, Follow-up Partners, Study Helpers and students.
Copies of communication between Follow-up Coordinators, Follow-up Partners, Study Helpers and students done outside of the website will be provided upon request by World Bible School. For example, World Bible School may ask a Study Helper to forward to WBS an email thread between the Study Helper and a student.
Follow-up Coordinators or Follow-up Partners may appeal a disqualification decision by writing World Bible School at:
P.O. Box 2169 Cedar Park, TX 78630
By providing follow-up for any World Bible School students you are agreeing to the terms and standards defined in this agreement.
This document was last updated on April 23, 2020.