We heard recently from online Study Helper, Mark Drew of West Bexar County church of Christ, who shared some great news with us. He was…
We have good news to share! Please read and be uplifted by the seeds that have taken root in this student’s heart. World Bible School…
We are delighted to be able share some more stories of World Bible School students choosing to be baptized after studying with us. Thanks in…
We hope you were encouraged reading last month about stories of World Bible School students that made the choice to put on Christ through baptism!…
We have many responses to the Good News of Jesus each year! The efforts of World Bible School Study Helpers really do make a difference. We want…
Today is the launch of the rebooted World Bible School website! We are excited to share the enhancements and capabilities of this updated site, which will allow the Gospel to reach more people…
Robert Harold (Tex) Williams was born July 24, 1928. He grew up near Waco, wanting to be a cowboy—earning him the nickname Tex—but his…
John Reese described 2019 as the “leap year” for WBS. We have arrived at mountains we must climb in postal efforts and online technology. Through…